Savannah Levin
Här är Savannahs svar på de 6 frågorna
1. Hur skulle du själv beskriva dig som spelare? - I would say I'm a player who likes to attack out of the back and has good technique on the ball.
2. När du vuxit upp, har du haft någon förebild/idol som du sett upp till? Om ja, varför just denna/dessa personer? - Growing up I always looked up to my sister and still love to watch her play. I also looked up to Dani Alves on the men's side.
3. Vilken spelare i KGFC tror du kommer överraska oss 2018? - I think Hito will surprise us the most this year. She is always striving to improve and make a difference.
4. Vem/vilka i laget umgås du mest med utanför planen? -Outside of the pitch I hangout most with Bea, Taylor, Rössö, and Hito.
5. Vem/vilka i laget har hetast temperament? - I would say Cat, but we are all passionate and I think it adds competitiveness to trainings.
6. Vem vill du helst inte styr musiken i omklädningsrummet? - I like pretty much all kinds of music! As long as it keeps good energy in the locker room, I'm all for it.